A silk screen t-shirt is a fun way of expressing your feelings or personality. You can buy cotton t-shirts in various shades of colors, patterns and sizes with some of the most entertaining slogans on them. When you are happy, you can don a cotton t-shirt with a cute smiley and lots of vibrant colors. Cool t-shirts can really put you in a naughty mood so buy a few and see how people react to them.
Some of the cool t-shirts have great designs and catchy phrases. One of them I saw had very fine print on it and when you got closer to read it, it said “Aren’t you a curiosity cat!!??” A silk screen t-shirt is not only great fun to wear and make your friends smile and laugh, you can use them as gifts to friends on nearly any occasion. Cotton t-shirts are available for almost every occasion and what’s more, they come in almost every conceivable color and size.
For the last so many years, big companies have been effectively using cool t-shirts as a marketing tactic to advertise their products or services. Some companies give away many a silk screen t-shirt for free and still others sell them at even a profit sometimes. Some companies that have a booth at a trade fair or show give away free t-shirts with their logos to promote their products to people who show interest in their products. But rock bands that perform concerts would sell their t-shirts at a profit rather than give them for away for free.
Whether to opt for digital printing or silk screen printing of t-shirts will depend on the cost of each of the cool t-shirts. Even though the technology of digital printing has heavily invaded the domain of printing of the silk screen t-shirt, silk screen printing still enjoys a large market share. If the order for custom t-shirts is small, then digital printing is the only option as the cost is lesser. But if you opt for a larger number of custom t-shirts, then the silk screen t-shirt will give you the best bargain ever.
Yet another consideration is the color schemes involved. Digital printers use ink that is quite thin in consistency and hence digital printing works best when you use dark colors on cool t-shirts that are light colored. On the other hand, if you need to use lighter colors on darker colored t-shirts, then you should opt for a silk screen t-shirt; silk screen printing lets you use a thicker ink to effectively cover the dark background.
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