
Tips to Avoid The Bra Problem After Plastic Surgery

We live in an age of amazement. With a medical procedure of only a few hours, we can significantly alter our appearance. There are many different procedures that can be undertaken, but breast enhancement surgery is clearly one of the most popular.
If ever there has been a controversial subject, it has been breast enhancement. The issues have ranged from whether you should have it or not to whether silicone implants were killing women or not - the ban was recently lifted. Despite all the uproar, the statistics show clearly that we women are getting our breasts enlarged, reduce, reshaped, lifted and, well, modified in just about any way one can imagine.
Of all the breast plastic surgery issues discussed and debated, a very practical one is always glossed over. Well, no more! Let's take a look at the question of dealing with your bras after plastic surgery.
You've had your breasts modified. It wasn't cheap, but you decided it was worth it. Now you need a bra. Walk to your drawer and take a long look at all those bras you bought and wore over the last year or so. Also grab any lingerie tops. Now walk over to the trash can, flip open the top and dump them in. These bras and tops are useless because they no longer fit. If they still fit, you might want to have a word with your surgeon!
So, should you rush out to buy new bras? Well, you should listen to the advice of your surgeon. Generally, you are going to want a few full support bras, but you do not want to buy an entire new collection. Why? Your breasts will go through a settling in period. Breast modification is not an exact science. Things will move this way and that. Until that settling period ends, you have no idea what bra will really fit you.
Once things settle down, you are going to have the urge to spend money on really sexy bras. Stop! Your must first make sure you get an excellent fit. If you've enhanced your breasts, you now have a lot more frontal weight your body is not used to. Supporting those new puppies is going to be vital or you are going to end up hunched over like an old lady all day. I suggest you get a professional bra fitting and then also start off with bras that provide the maximum support.
This approach will give your body the best chance to quickly and comfortably assimilate the new, larger you. Once that has happened, then you can start wearing more sexy brands.

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