If so, have you ever stopped to reflect on the root of your problem? Have you recognized that it is an emotional rather than simply a physical matter? Then you should commend yourself because all too often the deeper emotional roots of this problem are difficult to face. It is for this reason that the most sought out solution is the surgical knife.
Here I will discuss how this problem arises and how it can be addressed non surgically yet effectively, painlessly and permanently.
As a young girl one is repeatedly assaulted by images and beliefs coming from society around her of how she is supposed to look. These images are often very stereotyped and fail to validate over 95% of women and who they really are. Rather they tend to "judge" and "devalue" those women who don't happen to fit this "ideal" image that is being thrust upon them. Thrust upon them by whom? Well by those wishing to entrain them into a life of manipulation by submitting, out of fear of feeling "less than", to the evolving marketing campaigns meant to undermine their self esteem while separating them from their money.
These messages often begin at an early age well before one knows what is happening and become imprinted in the unconscious mind. There they reside acting as an internal judge or "voice" that supplies a running commentary on how that woman's appearance is "not" matching so called acceptable norms. This internalized judge is often experienced and associated with feelings of low self esteem, low self worth, poor body or self image, feeling defective or deficient, depression, confusion, occasionally attempts at controlling one's dietary and exercise habits and so on.
Now I want to be clear that an attempt to look good and be healthy is a normal part of being human. What I am referring to here is the situation where one is in fact looking good and is healthy by most standards yet does not believe they look good. In other words there is an identification with an imprinted or "programmed" ideal internal image that over rides one's actual physical state as well as one's true authentic self.
In order to effectively address this problem that negative internal judge along with that idealized image must be released from within once and for all. When this happens it helps to restore and validate the true essence of that individual. You see because that woman has chosen to accept the imprinted "ideal" image that this judge uses to berate her with, she has indirectly also negated her true authentic self. It is this negation that lies at the root. When anyone, for whatever reason chooses to negate themselves they are by definition turning against themselves. In this state nothing can remedy the feelings that ensue, until and unless she can come to an acceptance of that true authentic self.
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