
Reversing Sun Damaged Skin With Cosmetic Surgery

At this time of year and after a long hot summer (a concept we seem to miss out on in the UK) you will no doubt be taking a long hard look at your skin to see what further damage you have received this year and what can be done about it.
It really doesn't take much to cause sun damage to your face, popping to the local shops, sitting in a café or bar, or of course sun bathing. Even with sun screen, if you don't reapply it often enough you could still be putting your skin at risk.

With recent advances in skin care products, cosmetic surgery products and techniques, we are now able to reverse sun damage to a great degree. The best way to work out how bad your level of sun damage really is you should look at your peers to see how your face compares. If you perceive yourself to have only a small amount of damage you can resort to using over the counter products to help reverse it.
The best products for reversing lesser amounts of sun damage are acid peel kits which can now be bought from most beauty and cosmetic product stores. These usually contain ingredients such as salicylic acid which help to remove the top layers of skin removing damage in the process.
If the damage is a little more severe you can then take this to the next step and visit a cosmetic surgery practice to have a much stronger acid peel which will, some theorise, take up to 10 years off your skin. Whatever the level of the effects, it will certainly remove much damage and take some fine lines with it in the process.
If this is still not enough to remove the level of damage you have there are now many companies who practice laser resurfacing which again removes the top layers of your skin helping to remove a much higher level of damage.
An unfortunate side effect of sun damage and the aging process is reduction of moisture retention in the skin caused by the lessening amounts of collagen and Hyaluronic acid within the skin. This will cause facial sagging as the elasticity of the skin is impaired and reduced. Help is still at hand as you can opt for a surgical face lift which, along with a good acid peel, will leave your skin looking fresh, much less damaged and youthful.
It is of course worth remembering that whatever corrective method you opt for, if you do not continue to protect your skin from the sun the effects will be reversed over time. Indeed you should use a product with sun factor protection at all times of year. You will still receive damage to your skin in the middle of winter. You should opt for a minimum SPF of 15 in autumn and winter and consider increasing this to at least 30 during spring and summer and higher if you intend to sun bathe.

Dr. Barry Eppley

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