Free Tips To Make Skin Look Younger
You who are striving to camouflage the grey in your hair with dyes and tints are most likely also trying to reverse the aging process of your skin. And who can blame you? Everyone wants beautiful young looking skin, why should you be any different? Unfortunately, it is not easy because you will have to battle against very powerful forces; biological, pathological and environment.
- The pathological force is the easiest to deal with because it merely requires that you bring your entire body to a state of physical and emotional health by committing to a lifestyle that promotes good health.
- The biological force is somewhat more difficult to conquer. There are evasive procedures such as surgery, various dermal peels and a variety of injections. All these procedure are very costly and have possible dangerous side effects. There are also countless cosmetic products in the market today but you have to do much research and trialing to arrive at the one that works as well as it promises and your skin tolerates it.
- The environmental force is unchangeable, at least in our lifetime. You cannot change the climate pattern that plays havoc on your tender skin, you cannot avoid the free radicals and you cannot deflect the ultraviolet ray. What you can do is try to protect your skin as best as you can with specific intake of nutrients and sunscreens.
So, what can you do to make your skin look younger? I suggest that you, first and foremost, look for natural and organic product. But beyond that …
- Clinical tests have discovered that creams that contain Coenzyme Q10, Cynergy TK and Phytessence Wakame which are easily absorbed into the skin, stimulate your body to produce the collagen and elastin aging has depleted from your skin. Why? Because these two proteins, collagen and elastin, give skin the elasticity and firmness that you desire.
- Get more sleep, even an extra hour each night will do the trick but you should have at least 7 hours. Sleep deprivation gives you dark circles around the eyes and dulls your skin.
- Hide some imperfections of your skin with liquid foundation makeup but do not forget to moisturize first.
- Your neck will show more aging than your face. Do not forget to daily protect it with a broad spectrum SPF 30 and a good moisturizer.
- Be sure that 25% of your daily intake of calories comes from good fats such as olive oil, avocados, flaxseeds, canola oil, fish and nuts.
- Eat five or six servings of vegetables a day plus two or three whole fruits.
- Get 10 to 20 minutes of sunshine every day but don’t forget to apply sunscreen to your face and hands.
- Quit smoking and stay away from second hand smoke.
- Reduce your intake of alcohol, caffeine as well as refined, processed and greasy foods.
- Eliminate stress and negativity and get daily exercise.
Basic Etiquette of Opera Length Gloves
Opera gloves look very beautiful and without the opening button located at the inside wrist this is also called the mousquetaire, opera length gloves looks ungraceful while removing during the wedding ceremony, without the wrist opening necessitates taking them off in the party looks very bad.
If you want to buy the best opera length gloves then explore one of the latest vintage cloth and fashion stores. These unique stores can offer you the real opera glove along with the mousquetaire which also enables the hand coming out from the help of opening wrist, while wearing the opera long length glove over the forearm. These are easily unbuttoned and altar, the mousquetaire wide opening enables you to move your hand on the forearm while removing your hand to accept your marriage ring. Opera glove may also be moved up cleanly and tied with the wrist just like the hanky. This is perfectly acceptable with any of the dresses you wear.
The etiquette of wearing this opera length gloves
• Your opera length gloves must be there while shaking hands in a formal party line and while dancing.
• Opera Gloves should be wore while drinking so you should be take care that the liquid should not spill on the gloves, when the opera gloves are specially designed with the kidskin and the delicate leather then one should not keep the gloves aside and try to remove the gloves partially when possible.
• Whenever one sit for the dinner while wearing the gloves, then one should keep aside the opera gloves and after dinner one should wear the opera gloves again.
• One should not wear the opera length gloves partially while going for a formal get together as it fades away all the beauty of the gloves. One can remove these gloves while drinking.
• While removing the opera gloves, one must not keep them aside and call the undue and the seductive attention during the process.
• You can also remove the opera gloves with the current trend: for that you have to unbutton the mousquetaire and the wrist opening. After that you pull the hand from the opening wrist. With the help of the empty glove your hand may be moved up at the nearest level of the wrist. You can either fit the gloves behind wrist or bracelet, if you are wearing one..
You should also follow some rules while wearing the opera length gloves:
• If you wear shorter sleeves then you must wear long opera gloves.• Six-button gloves are very necessary to wear with the wedding dresses.• Remove the opera gloves while lunch and drink.
Opera length Gloves: the perfect way & etiquette wearing of gloves available at http://www.handandglove.com/
Celebrity Perfume Today - Extreme Confidence
Red carpet, book signings, glam parties & movie premieres have magic in the air, but also Celebrity-Style Perfumes! Perfume choices reflect qualities of the celebrity clients who want them! The battle is not only on the red carpets of the Kodak Theatre any more. More and more celebrities are vying with each other to reign the fragrance market. Celebrity Style Perfumes have a high level of credibility. Skin irritation can be a problem with low quality perfumes. New-Celebrity-Perfumes are clinically tested and therefore, safe for the skin. Celebrity Style Perfumes are high on demand these days.
That is why celebrities are in a mad frenzy to capture the fragrance market. Heartthrobs like, Beyonce, Britney Spears, Usher and Jennifer Lopez all trod the same path and celebrities around the world just follow them. Billionaire Donald Trump is about to launch his range of perfumes very soon. The collection will be named after his own name that is "Donald Trump: The Fragrance". Reality-show star Paris Hilton's namesake Can Can has made a lasting statement in the fragrance market. The teenaged tennis sensation Maria Sharapova has also launched her range of perfumes. Celebrity-Style Perfumes attract people's attention quite easily. Celebrity Style Perfumes give people A Scent of Confidence who doesn’t wear it otherwise. The stars find this to be the most convenient means to remain in people's mind even after they cease to be a celebrity. Celebrity endorsements give it a vital lift to the Fragrance Industry. Celebrities are famous in the nook and corner of the world.
Moreover they are loved so much by people that people are ready to get a product launched or used by the celebrities, by any means. With so much competition in the market place the price for these products have been driven down, making Celebrity Style Perfumes affordable to anyone who desires to Wear What The Celebrities Wear. Every year, Celebrity Style Perfume designers release new creations & compete for the attention of the public & the stars that intrigue the world. Some are passing favorites, while some classics still rule. Chanel No. 5 is one of the most famous perfume in history and sells about one bottle every 30 seconds.
Coco Chanel believed that women should were perfume wherever they wanted to be kissed. Zents, one of the newest fragrances on the scene & which uses only natural essences, was picked by Charlize Theron, Angelina Jolie & Sharon Stone -to name a few- in preparation for Oscar night! Many of us have "brand loyalty" to our favorite celebrities, such as Kimora Lee Simmons – Baby Phat Goddess, Celine Dion’s gift set – Celine Dion, Michael Jordan by Michael Jordan Gift Set and Fantasy Britney Spears by Britney Spears, which certainly enhances our "brand loyalty" to a new-celebrity-perfume. Celebrity-Style Perfumes are often top sellers, whether it's Elizabeth Taylor's White Diamonds or JLo's Glow. Vintage celebrity perfumes include Michael Jackson, Cher, Elvis, and Marilyn Monroe.
These vintage celebrity perfumes can also be purchased online. Make sure you're not just buying a celebrity name. Most of these celebrity perfumes are top quality, but make sure that this perfume is right for you, not just right for Jennifer Lopez. If Chanel or another perfume is your best perfume, then keep with that brand. When shopping for Celebrity Style Perfumes, read the descriptions, know what you are getting. New-Celebrity-Perfumes are created with the finest ingredients, so think of your favorite scent: peach or gardenia, lavender or vanilla? Jasmine amber or musk? In addition, with perfumes, it's not just the scent of the perfume, but also the scent of confidence that you feel wearing it. The chemistry of different people affects the perfumes scent, which makes all perfumes slightly different, and personalizes or customizes them for each perfume user. The buzz is on Celebrity Style Perfumes again this year as it was last year. Explore a Celebrity Perfume Today, they also make excellent gifts.
Honey for Aging Skin - Good Moisturizer
The honey you get from stores is good for your health. You can apply it on your skin as well, as it is a good moisturizer. But there are two problems with using that honey for aging skin. One – it is just a good moisturizer. It does nothing to improve your skin condition or to treat your skin problems. Two – honey is very sticky and moist and it doesn’t feel good when you apply it all over your skin. So, what can be done? I found out a little later.
In order to get the right results, you should use the right kind of honey. Also, since it can get incredibly messy, you cannot always apply it on your skin. There needs to be an alternative. Honey as an ingredient in a skin care product sounds good, but how do you find the right product? See, when you talk about honey for aging skin, there are so many things you need to consider. But I found out a solution that is both very simple and effective.
I found out that manuka honey, a special type of honey from New Zealand, is the best choice when it comes to anti aging treatments. It is an amazingly effective natural product with medicinal properties that can treat a huge number of skin problems. It has antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. It can also rejuvenate the skin cells completely and encourage new skin growth. And since it is natural, it is very safe to use as well. Have you ever heard of a substance being so effective and yet so safe to use at the same time?
So, needless to say, active manuka honey is the right choice when it comes to using honey for aging skin. Since it is very rare, you cannot expect to buy it from the nearby store. Fortunately, there are skin care products that contain active manuka honey. All you need to do is buy that product and use it regularly. Manuka honey has been tested extensively and it has been proved beyond doubt that it is both effective and safe. When I see my face in the mirror every day, I am happy that I made the right choice back then. So, do not hesitate and make the right choice today. Trust me – you will not regret it at all.
Treating Aging Skin - Natural Process
Treating aging skin is all about finding the causes of aging skin and treating them the right way. It is a step by step process. First you find out what are the causes of aging skin, then you find out how those problems could be treated, and then you find the right substances to treat them. So, let us first take a look at the causes of aging skin.
There are three important causes of aging skin – loss of collagen and elastin, the damage caused by free radicals, and the loss of hyaluronic acid. Some of the common signs of aging skin include wrinkles, lines, dark spots, and saggy skin. You should take notice when these symptoms start to appear on your skin and treat them immediately. Else, one fine morning, you will find out that all the small boys in the neighborhood refer to you as ‘that old man’, if you know what I mean.
Now that you know what causes aging skin, let us take a look at the treatment methods. You should always remember that treating aging skin should be a natural process. You need not go for collagen injections, collagen pills, or costly surgeries. In nine out of ten cases, you can easily get rid of your skin problems and improve your skin condition to a great extent by using a good anti aging product regularly. The important thing, however, is to find the right product.
A good anti aging cream should be able to increase the amount of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid in your skin naturally. This is the only way to fight aging skin, as your skin is not capable of absorbing these substances from any artificial source. So, if you are considering collagen pills, creams, gels, or injections, drop that idea now. They do not work at all. It is just a waste of time and money. This is an important thing everyone should know about treating aging skin. I have seen a lot of people waste their time and money using these substandard products. So, you need to make sure you don’t end up like that.
There are some organic substances like cynergy TK and phytessence wakame that can increase the amount of natural proteins in your skin tremendously. They do so by stimulating your skin cells to produce more proteins. In other words, they just act as a catalyst to increase the amount of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid in your skin. Also, they can rejuvenate the skin cells completely and encourage new cell growth as well.
Apart from these two, natural vitamin E, active manuka honey, and nano-lipobelle H EQ10 are some other substances that are very effective at treating aging skin. The most important thing you should know about all these substances is that they are organic. Hence, they are completely safe to use. No matter what your skin type is, you can use these substances without worrying about allergic reactions or side effects. This has already been proved by a number of clinical trials.
Neck Firming Cream - Rids Sagging Skin
Moisturizers are not neck firming creams. They are made differently. This is not to say that neck creams don't moisturize but moisturizers cannot firm up wrinkled skin. Sagging skin needs some real help that moisturizers can't provide. What then does work?
Neck Firming Formulations
Anti-oxidants are essential in any skin care product but especially in the neck area. The antioxidants fight free radicals that damage all skin. The neck cream, with the antioxidants, should be of a somewhat heavy consistency. This makes the application more effective.
When applying the skin cream do so just below the neck area. This is a very sensitive part of the body that is easily affected by the sunlight. Give it special attention so the skin cream can do what it is designed to do.
Problems With Neck Skin
The skin structure of the neck is different than the face. Neck skin is thinner than face skin. This presents a different problem because it is more easily damaged by the sun and is unfortunately more neglected. Here's what I suggest you do.
Solution to Neck Skin Problems
Skin hydration is important not only for the neck but also the face, hands and forehead. The sun affects all skin but the neck can really show it. Sometimes the look is very rough like crepe paper.
Using the right neck cream everyday will help eliminate fine lines, wrinkles and that rough look. It may take a little time but smoother, younger looking skin should start to appear
Neglect of skin, especially around the neck, will take its toll. This is not only those who have older skin but any who do not maintain good skin care practices. Use a good skin care cream that has not only antioxidants but other natural, not synthetic, ingredients. Don't fall for cover ups and fillers. Many such products have bad ingredients and can do a lot of harm.
Neck Cream is a Must
For the reason that everyone is exposed to sun rays makes using a good neck cream essential. We usually don't see the sun damage right away but it does make a showing, usually in the form of aging skin.
We all may be "21 or less" but your skin will tell on you if you don't use the correct neck skin cream.
2009 Sunglasses Trends for Men
In fact, outside of the sports world, we're not seeing much in the way of futuristic or sleek shades for men at the moment (Bono, please take note and ditch those tired wraparounds). The trend continues to favor classic masculine looks from the 40s, 50s, and 60s, with some modern tweaks to add freshness.
Bulgari has three models that show this tendency to offer subtle changes on a favorite style. Its 5007 and 5009 models are both a classic "aviator" shape. The 5007 sports more embellished arms, and the 5009 has lenses that taper slightly at the bottom, for a twist on the trend. The Bulgari 7002 offers a reinterpreted look at the aviator-there's no wire frame and no bridge-piece across the nose, but the lens shape is still distinctly aviator.
The Wayfarer shape-frames that ape the Ray-Ban Wayfarer-also looks to continue being a hit for men in 2009. Brad Pitt, starring in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, sports a pair of classic Ray-Bans in several scenes, including on his motorcycle. But other designers are offering their own take on this classic shape. Gucci's 1594 takes the shape and makes it chunkier and avant-garde, while Tom Ford's Cary and Chase models update the look with sleek styling on the arms and subtle changes to the lens shape.
Wrinkle Skin Care - Warning Signs
All people desire to appear their freshest and it is a normal desire to look youthful. Anti Wrinkle skin care can decidedly make you appear a lot more youthful and give you authority to lead a more vibrant and more rewardful life style.
A majority of the masses look for the most beneficial wrinkle skin care system or wrinkle remover cream, just to their surprise they land up earning the products that don't work. All the claims and assurances for an efficient wrinkle skin care prove to be wrong.
I will give a brief overview of the natural reasons why this goes on. You will be horrified to know the true unequivocal results.
The Fraud behind Collagen based wrinkle skin care
Wrinkle skin care products or wrinkle remover creams that comprise of collagen as their component are the basic perpetrators in this hoax. The cosmetic wrinkle skin care companies are cashing in on the misbelief of the innocent consumers.
As you might know that collagen and elastin are the two crucial proteins in our body that impart us a healthy, tender and supple skin. And as we age, our body makes fewer of these two proteins.
And So, a natural and logical presumption that we form is that by going for wrinkle remover cream with collagen in it, we can make up for the collagen insufficiency and find a healthy and resilient skin. But, this is inappropriate assumption that we form.
The Clinical Facts against Collagen Wrinkle Skin Care
Scientific studies and clinical trials has turned up that collagen in wrinkle remover cream is unassimilateable by our skin. It is a established fact that the collagen molecule is excessively sizeable for the skin to soak up. In fact, the topmost stratum of our skin called Epidermis turns away the collagen molecule from entering within.
This sensational but scientific fact can be confirmed by referring any skin doctor or visiting any medical site that is renowned as a authority in the industry.
The Organic Wrinkle Skin care Alternative
The secret to getting an unbeatable wrinkle skin care system is to get such natural elements which induce your body's own spontaneous manufacture of collagen and elastin.
That would be farthermost more operative in removing wrinkles by nature as compared to a collagen based wrinkle remover cream, which is indeed a complete waste of your hard earned dollars.
Natural Ingredients for Wrinkle skin care
Let us look at a few of of these outstanding natural substances. Cynergy TK has been pioneered in New Zealand, and is now available also in the western world through the internet. You might find it astonishing, but it is actually derived from the wool of a certain species of sheep in New Zealand. 1) It has indicated a great deal of promising results in clinical trials. It has exhibited a higher output of collagen and elastin in the body. This plays a constructive role in skin wellness and a herbal wrinkle skin care.
2) You would be amazed to know that results have shown a 42% improvement in skin moisture holding and an 18% betterment in skin elasticity over a time period of 18 days. In fact, new cell proliferation elevated upto 160%.
3) Cynergy TK also plays a beneficial part in bringing down inflammation of the skin. An inflamming skin finally extends to dislocation of structural proteins in the skin.
Tips To Make Your Leather Shoes Last longer
Clean leather shoes regularly. To efficiently clean your shoes without harming them, use soapy water and a soft cloth and wipe the excess. Apply saddle soap all over the shoes, both inside and out and wipe the excess again. Dry the insides carefully. Place a sheet of tissue paper or a paper napkin inside the shoe and leave it for a few minutes. Repeat the process to dry out the shoe entirely. After this, dust some talcum powder to suck up any remaining moisture. Remember that leather is skin, literally and figuratively, so treat your shoes as carefully as you would your own skin. If possible, clean the dirt off after every wear with a soft rag or brush.
Waterproof your casual shoes and outdoor leather boots with a quality shoe care product to shield your footwear from water, snow and salt stains. These products usually come on a spray. Apply a good two to three coats to make sure that your shoes are covered properly. Reapply the proofing on a regular basis to guarantee protection from weather and water damage. Leather tends to shrink and get hard if it gets wet, so waterproofing your shoes are essential. If they do get wet, let them dry naturally.
Condition your shoes to keep the leather soft and supple, to avoid cracks and to maintain a comfortable fit. Use quality leather conditioning oil or lotion. All-natural products are preferable as they allow the leather to breathe better, and harsh-chemicals can be harmful to the leather. Silicone-based products sit on top of the leather, making it look shiny. Leather conditioners are available at most large pharmacy chains in the shoe-care section.
Store your leather shoes on shoe trees to soak up excess moisture and maintain the shape of the leather. Do not put leather shoes near direct heat, and place them somewhere dry to avoid mildew. Do not put them immediately away after you take them off. Switch on the ceiling fan and allow them to air out. Leather retains moisture from your feet, which will eventually cause it to dry and crack if you don't give them a chance to air out for a day or so. Shoes need at least 12-24 hours of rest between wearing to avoid deformity.
Facial Clay Mask - Absorb Excess Oils
Cosmetic clays are made up of different mineral contents and each clay type has a different effect on the skin. The high mineral content of clay rejuvenates the skin while the clay exfoliates and stimulates blood circulation to the skin. Regular use of clay facials will remove dead skin cells, improve circulation to the skin, remove debris from the pores and bring about a smooth healthy glow. Each clay has the ability to absorb toxins from the skin but they differ in their level of absorption.
Below are a few cosmetic clays and their properties:
Rose Clay is mild kaolin clay that can be used on normal to dry skin to gently cleanse and exfoliate the skin while improving the skin's circulation. Rose Clay is tinted with iron oxides and gives a beautiful pink color to soaps and powders.
White Kaolin Clay, also known as China or White Clay, is basically kaolinite and is the mildest of all clays. White Kaolin Clay is suitable for sensitive skin. It helps stimulate circulation to the skin while gently exfoliating and cleansing it. White Kaolin Clay does not draw oils from the skin and can be used on dry skin types.
French Green Clay consists mostly of montmorillonite and is highly efficient at drawing oils and toxins from the skin. French Green Clay is rich in important minerals and phyto-nutrients and is the most commonly used therapeutic clay. Use it for facials for oily skin, and body wraps. This clay is not recommended for dry or sensitive skin.
Yellow Kaolin Clay is mild clay making it suitable for sensitive skin. It helps stimulate circulation to the skin while gently exfoliating and cleansing it. Yellow Kaolin Clay does not draw oils from the skin excessively and can therefore be used on most dry skin types. It can be used in soap and body powders. This clay is suitable for dry, sensitive or normal skin types.
Below are a few facial clay mask recipes.
China Clay Mask (a deep cleansing mask) 3 teaspoons White Kaolin Clay 1/2 teaspoon Bentonite 1/2 teaspoon Glycerin 5 teaspoons Water or Hydrosol 2 drops of rose geranium essential oil Mix the powders well. Add the glycerin and water/hydrosol. Add the essential oil last. Stir and apply to your face in a circular motion. Allow the mask to dry and then rinse off with warm water.
Soothing China Clay Mask (a gentle, soothing mask is a treat for those who have sensitive skin) 1/4 cup colloidal oatmeal fine 3 Tablespoons china clay 2 Tablespoons lavender flowers 2 Tablespoons chamomile flowers One or more of the following wetting agents: honey, floral water, herbal tea, water Powder the dry ingredients well. Place a few tablespoons of the mix in a small bowl. Add wetting agent to make a paste. Apply to face and allow drying for ten to twenty minutes. Rinse with warm water. Store remaining mixture in airtight container. For super sensitive skin, herbs can be left out or lessened. Posted from Stephanie of Conway, AR on the From Nature with Love website
French Green Clay Facial Mask (for acne prone skin) 4 Tablespoons French Green Clay 5 dried bay leaves 1 cup distilled water Boil one cup of water and add bay leaves. Slowly add the liquid to the clay to form a fairly thick paste. Apply to face and allow drying. Leave on 15 to 20 minutes then rinse with warm water
Skin Care: 5 Steps to Achieving Great Skin
Are you serious about your skin care? Serious skin care requires a total health approach, or you'll never achieve the skin care results you want.
After all, our health is the most important thing to us. What are we without our health? And our overall state of health is related to the state of our skin as well as our overall wellbeing. With good health we achieve great skin, but without it it's extremely difficult to achieve great skin.
So if, to achieve serious skin care results, we need to get serious about our skin, and health, first, what should we do? How do we go about this?
Simple. Notice I said simple, not easy. There's 5 simple things we can do to achieve the skin we want, and the look we want. And if we do these 5 things then we'll also achieve great overall health and feel great as well as achieving serious skin health.
Here's what you need to do:
1. Exercise. There's no doubt that exercise has an impact on just about every aspect of our life, and health, including our skin. Exercise, for example, increases our ability to circulate the blood around our body, and as the skin, like other organs, requires a good blood supply, improved circulation will improve your skin health. Serious skin care must involve a minimum amount of exercise.
2. Improve your diet. Cut down on the Pizzas and burgers, increase your intake of high quality fresh fruit and vegetables. Increase your intake of good vitamins and minerals and antioxidants and your skin will thank you for it.
3. Use high quality organic health supplements to supplement those vitamins and minerals that we should be getting in our diet, but aren't. Because even the best diet will have it's deficiencies, for a number of reasons, and we need to use high quality organic supplements to correct this.
4. Avoid well known brand name skin care products. Serious skin care cannot be found in a brand name moisturizer. Brand name products contain ingredients that are at best suspect and at worst actively damaging to our health and skin. And the bottom line is that mainstream skin care products don't work anyway, so even ignoring the health risks, you're wasting your money using the skincare products on the shelves of your local store.
5. Use a quality organic skin care range that offers tested ingredients proven not only to be safe to your overall health but also to work. And the best ones are backed up with money back guarantees so you can try the products risk free until you're convinced that they are working for you. Try getting a money back guarantee like that from your mainstream skincare product manufacturers.
Serious skin care requires a serious, thought out approach to overall health, not just skin health, because the two go together. If you're serious about your skin care you need to make an effort. Anything less and it just won't work. But if you do it will shine through in far more than just your skin health. It will show in your whole life.
Because your skin is just another organ in your body. It's a visible organ, not an invisible one. Because people see your skin they see when your skin us unhealthy, because it looks unhealthy. But if you get healthy generally then your skin gets healthy, and looks it.
So make sure you get serious and practice some serious skin care practices. Eat well, stay moving and stay healthy and everyone will know, from how your skin looks.
Where do you get these great skin care products? Not from the mainstream anti aging and skin care companies, in fact the best ones come from a company you've probably never heard of.
Lambskin - Leather Blazer
Winter is here; and it is again that time of the year when a mélange of aromas, drafting off from every kitchen, makes everyone melt with gratification. It also happens to be the most happening fashion season of the year. Bring out the fashion icon in you this fall, with a slightly different panache. Instead of a cow hide jacket, sport a lambskin leather blazer and see how your friends can’t stop raving about your aesthetic sensibilities.
A lambskin leather blazer is a quality leather garment. If you are confused about what ‘quality’ implies, here are some basic features that are a good index.
Quality leather has the ability to remember certain things. I don’t mean remembering literally; but a quality leather garment will cast itself perfectly into the mould of the body structure. The thin, balmy fabric should be extremely pliant and allow for smooth draping and flow without creases or furrows. Lambskin satisfies all these requirements of high-end-fashion and is better than its bovine siblings in more ways than one. Their pliant warmth keeps you in snuggled comfort in the midst of the bitterest of all colds and their fit is unparalleled. They also have a long shelf life which is an additional advantage. All you need to do to reap its benefits for a long time is to follow some simple guidelines:
•Treat your lambskin leather blazer with a leather protector twice a year and most importantly, immediately after purchase. This retains the warmth for a long time.
•Be very careful when selecting conditioner for your lambskin leather blazer. Ensure that the polish is free of greasy or oily content, including mineral oil and petroleum. These heavy substances are unable to penetrate the fiber. Look for ingredients that are light and can diffuse easily into the fabric.
Another thing to avoid is a wax or silicon-based conditioner that chokes the leather pores. lexicol.com is a brand that you can rely on when searching for a good moisturizer.
•Ensure that the moisturizer is free of agents that cause discoloration. This is the main reason for discarding animal fats, such as mink oil, for this purpose. In spite of the fact that they are good conditioners, they tend to darken your lambskin and spoil your blazer.
•Lastly, when it comes to moisture and a lambskin leather blazer, you need to be extra cautious. If you accidentally wet your lambskin, don’t rinse it. Hang it in such a place that is away from all disturbances. Don’t move it around till it is fully dry.
•Lambskin has a tendency to stain from rain or snow; so keep an emery board or rubber suede eraser handy. Use them to wipe the blot delicately and don’t even think, of towel drying it. Make use of a branded protector for this job a couple of times a year. ITA should do just fine, as it can also be used on other types of leather.
Natural Childbirth - Without Surgery
What is Natural Childbirth?
Natural childbirth is the process of having a baby without using medications or surgery. Some people may take it so far as to describe it as a birth without any interventions at all. While this is seen as radical by some people, it can truly be a beneficial process to both mother and baby.
Advantages of Natural Childbirth for Both Mom & Baby
There are many advantages to natural childbirth. Many women feel more in control and empowered during the birthing process as they can move around freely, and eat and drink as desired.
Most comfort measures used in natural childbirth, such as massage, water immersion and acupressure, are non-invasive, so there are no side effects for you or baby. Instead of feeling groggy, which can happen with some pain management medications, you remain alert. In addition, your natural hormones can flow as nature intended, preparing both you and your baby for birth.
If your partner wants to be involved, there is more for them to do during natural childbirth. They can rub your back, be a stable person to lean on during contractions, and help you with positive affirmations.
Because pain medications that you take during labor can pass through to the baby, natural childbirth allows your baby to be more alert once he or she is born. They are able to actively nurse, and make eye contact with you and your partner. Beginning the breastfeeding process may be easier when baby is alert and responsive after a natural birth.
Disadvantages of Natural Childbirth
Comfort measures used in natural childbirth do not remove pain; they only reduce your perception of it. It is up to you to learn how to work with your labor pains.
If you have complications, it may become impossible to have a natural birth since many interventions that may be required may increase your pain. In long labors, you could become exhausted and need more assistance. Natural childbirth is hard work that must be prepared for ahead of time.
Pain Management in Natural Childbirth
There are many ways to manage your labor pains in natural childbirth.
Try changing positions to manage the pain or staying upright and active since lying flat in bed can be a quite painful position to labor in.
Practice breathing, visualization and meditation or consider using hypnosis techniques which many women have found to be very effective.
Using a tub of water or the shower can help, since the feeling of the water on your skin can compete with pain messages being sent to your brain. In additon, massage techniques such as effleurage, which is a light, stroking touch, can also send these competing messages. The brain can only process so much at one time, and messages sent from the skin will arrive faster than internal messages.
Hot or cold packs, acupressure, and other comfort measure techniques can help you relax, send competing messages to the brain, and help you cope with the pain.
Most importantly, having someone to support you can go a long way in helping you deal with pain. Whether this is your partner, a family member or friend, or professional labor support, having someone there to support you and help out is very comforting.
Midwives & Doulas
Hiring a doula or midwife to assist at your birth can help you succeed at natural childbirth. A trained doula can lower the incidence of pain medication use and surgical birth, according to studies.
Hiring a midwife as your care provider can help as well. Midwives are trained in normal birth techniques. They are less likely to resort to high tech measures, especially if you are birthing in at home or in a birth center.
As you prepare for your own labor, it is important to remember that childbirth is not a contest. Things may change and your birth may not end up as you anticipated. You must be prepared to go with the flow and respond to circumstances as they arise while heeding the advice of your health care provider. Ultimately, what's important is that your baby is born healthy.
Hairy Today – Laser Hair Removal Tomorrow
Of course, there is electrolysis. A painful, multi-treatment process that inevitably leaves a few hairs sticking out – very prominently – from the wrong areas.
Add tweezing, depilatory cream and shaving with a razor to the mix and what have you a got? A lousy bunch of painful, stinky options for removing unwanted hair growing in sensitive areas of the body.
Enter el?s technology to enhance laser hair removal! El?s uses a highly controllable energy source to heat each individual hair follicle. None of the surrounding tissue is damaged and, once treated, the follicle can never reproduce hair again. Even though the process uses heat, there is no pain and you aren’t left with weird bumps or redness. Just smooth, hair-free skin.
If that weren’t reason enough to be scheduling your laser hair removal appointment, this should help. It is safe for men and women and can be used on almost every area of the body where hair grows, wanted or otherwise:
· Upper lip
· Chin
· Neck
· Chest
· Underarms
· Back
· Pubic area
· Buttocks
· Legs
· Arms
· Shoulders
There is absolutely no need to be embarrassed about your reason for wanting laser hair removal using el?s. Reasons vary based on your specific situation. Examples include:
· Convenience or lifestyle (cyclists, bodybuilders, and others)
· Improved hygiene, reduced odor
· Skin is too sensitive for other forms of hair removal
· Hair is too dark or too course
· Unwanted hair on face, chest or back
Mix And Match Lip Colors
So, with so many options there is no need to restrict yourself to wearing the same lipstick colors all the time. Your lip colors can range from natural looking pinks and beiges, to oranges, to dramatic and elegant reds. And, as a finishing touch, your lipstick should go well with blusher.
Pigment is the leader
The main ingredient in lipstick is pigment, which gives the color. Pigment involves oils to moisturize your lips and wax to keep its shape. The ratios of these ingredients may vary but the more pigment it has, the more it dries your lips. Lipstick is available in stick, cream and frosted formulas, and in a wide range of colors. Some lipsticks offer high solid coverage, while others are sheer and natural. And quality does not depend on price, you can find good quality lipstick at cheap prices.
Choose lipstick colors
While selecting a lipstick you need to consider the clothing that you are wearing. Your lipstick color should complement your outfit, not clash with it.
The occasion and dress style (casual or formal) are also important factors. If its a casual wear natural colors would be more appropriate while deeper colors such as darkreds would suit for a party or formal events.
After you have decided on a color, try it on your lips and test the color in natural light. Here are listed the different types of lipsticks.
Looks naturally, wet and shiny, and it is not long lasting since it contains little pigment. Includes lip glosses (stains and tints), and offer little coverage. If you color in the lips with a light color pencil first your lipstick will last longer.
Metallic shimmers contain small pieces of mica to reflect the light but this quality looks more subtle after applied to the lips. Shimmers draw attention to the lips and can make them appear fuller.
Moisturizing lipstick containing oils and conditioners (like a lip balm), that makes them lighter and smoother than heavy mattes. Cream lipsticks are available in long lasting formulas.
Longest lasting formula containing the most pigment (which can dry your lips) provides deep opaque colors. Lighter mattes are known as semi matte. With a matte or semi-matte lip color you can create a warm, natural effect and they can also make the lips look thinner.
This deep, creamy, time-release (semi-permanent) formula uses the heat from your lips to stimulate continuous release of color that does not fade and can last up to eight hours.
Tangee Lipstick - Desire of Every Women
As per latest marketing research, sales of lipstick is increasing in U.S. during the period of economic crisis, . To Buy lipstick is an inexpensive way to treat your girlfriend, wife or yourself. Find a real shade of lipstick will brighten your face.
Women can excel their look by using high quality lipstick. However, you must care of color that suit on face more lighten your face. There are different type of lipstick but Pink lipsticks will be more complimentary if you have greyash, white or blonde grey hair. Women have dark blonde, white hair a pink color lipstick will be more complementry.
Women must care before apply new lipstick, your lips should be in good condition, not sore and chapped. you can use some lip balm and a little moisturiser. Lip base working as a moisturiser and give extra sticking power to the lipstick. Then apply a coat of lipstick with a lip brush.
Glow your natural beauty with Tangee Naturals Lipstick, the lipstick that goes on clear and gradually transforms into the perfect shade for you. Whatever your skin tone is,Tangee becomes the perfect complementing color that's uniquely and beautifully your own.Tangee Lipstick becomes the perfect complementing color that's uniquely and beautifully your own.
Vermontcountrystore have varaties of Tangee Lipstick in different colors. So choose always best quality and suitable color for you. If you chhose Tangee Lipstick you feel perfect lipstick and you will feel more confident.
Vermontcountrystore offer best quality Tangee Lipstick that Changes Color to Complement Your Skin. Tangee Lipstick prevent lips from drying and chapping and gives unique beauty to you. Tangee Lipstick becomes the perfect complementing color that's uniquely and beautifully your own.
Beauty Tips - Care For Your Mouth
Caring for your mouth is an essential part of your personal hygiene, because bad breath can be really turning off specially if you are trying to make an impression, or worse if you are trying to make a first impression. However oral odor has many causes ranging from a malfunctioning stomach to infection in your gums; however it can be prevented by brushing your teeth after every meal. These days there are numerous kinds of mouthwash and tooth paste you can pick from, each targeted at a specific teeth or gum problem? If you have sensitive gums then you can also pickup a toothpaste that has potassium nitrate.
An essential part of maintaining overall health and well being is proper and consistent care of teeth, gums, and the mouth in general.
Typically, it as advisable to brush and floss teeth after every meal, or at least twice a day. Toothpaste is available in an assortment of flavors, most commonly mints and cinnamon. The choices of flavors have also been expanding and some manufacturers are using vanilla and fruit-based tasting pastes. Some products use baking soda as a key ingredient, which offers a salty, unique taste. Toothpaste brands promote protection from cavities, removal of tartar, and prevention of gingivitis. Some brands also cater to consumers who have sensitive teeth and gums and require special care. These products reduce the amount of sensitivity teeth have to temperature differences. An increasingly popular ingredient is whitening agents which aid in the removal of stains from such things as coffee, juices, and tobacco. Newer toothpastes promote an ability to strengthen the enamel of teeth. The key ingredient in toothpaste is fluoride and there are supplemental fluoride tablets and liquids available through a prescription from a doctor.
Dental floss is available as both packaged floss dispensers, which hold rings of dental floss string, and devices which combine a piece of dental floss and also have a toothpick-like mechanism which aids in extracting hard to reach particles from in between teeth. Electric waterpiks are also sold and they use a stream of pressurized water that loosens and removes objects from between the teeth and gums. Food particles and other bacteria which remain in between teeth cause tooth decay and other issues if not properly removed.
Antiseptic mouth washes and rinses are also useful in removing hidden particles from the teeth and gums. The rinses kill germs in the entire mouth through the process of swishing the liquid around the mouth for 30 seconds or more. The mouthwash is then spit out. Neither toothpaste nor mouthwashes should be swallowed since they may contain amounts of fluoride and other ingredients that can cause illness if consumed.
Regular visits to the dentist are also recommended to maintain a healthy mouth. Dentists will ensure teeth and gums are healthy and are able to treat problems such as halitosis (chronic bad breath), gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), and other oral diseases. Medical studies suggest poor oral hygiene practices may lead to other health issues, such as heart problems and other serious medical conditions which can be brought about by the diseases and infections affecting the mouth.
So take care of your mouth, because it is easy and very cost effective, it will keep you away from serious illness and insure that you stay fit. Not to mention the fact that it will make it easy for you to make a good first impression.
French Manicure - Classy and Clean
First – ToolsMake sure you have everything you need to give yourself a French manicure. You will need the following items:• Pale Neutral Polishes – Sheer with casts of peach, beige, or pink • White Polish • Tip Strips • Top Coat • Base Coat • Nail File • Clippers • Cuticle clippers/eliminators • Buffer You might want to consider purchasing a French manicure kit that has all the polishes, strips, and coats that you will need in one spot.Second – Getting Prepared You will want to shape, file, clip, and buff your nails before you begin. Your cuticles should be trimmed, pushed back, and tended to. Make sure the nail is completely free of nail polish, clean, and dry thoroughly before you begin the next step.This step is essential to creating the perfect French manicure, if your nails are not looking their best, the French manicure will not look its best either. Make sure you take care in this step as well, so you do not damage your cuticles or nails. Shaping, clipping, and filing should not be done after getting out of the shower, your nails are extremely weak at this point.Third – Create the Art of the French ManicureThe hand you are working on should be laying flat on a surface, preferably a hard surface. You will then want to apply your base coat to each nail. This base coat prevents the rest of the ingredients in a French manicure from staining the nails. After applying the base coat to each hand and allowing it to dry, it is time to place the tip strips onto each nail. You want the strips to go just under the white of the nail. With the strips in place, begin putting your white polish on the leftover nails. Allow this white polish to dry thoroughly.Remove the tip strips once the white has dried and now you can begin applying the sheer neutral color – the one with peach, beige, or pink casts – over every nail entirely top to bottom. Once this has dried, you will then apply the top coat that finishes off the French manicure professionally. The look of your nails impact the over all looks of your hand. Good looking nails will mean that your hand looks great as well. When your nails are so healty that they shine so does your personality. No longer do you feel ashamed when handing your hand over for a handshake, afraid that someone might notice your damaged or poor nails.
Knowing how to look after your nails is an imperative part of looking good. Most people don’t pay much attention to their nails, which drastically impacts their overall personality. By following these simple to do steps your nails will begin to look beautiful and radiant. This will impact the way your hand looks in a positive way.
And there you have it, a guide to doing your very own French manicure.
Features of Good Makeup and Vanity Mirrors
When women have already bought the best and most satisfying cosmetics for themselves, they must make sure they will have the best makeup and vanity mirrors. Expect a fine lady to carry with her a handy piece of such mirrors anywhere they go through their handbags. At home, do not be surprised to see an ample corner allotted for good makeup and vanity mirrors.
Through the years, people have invested heavily into good and reliable makeup and vanity mirrors. The rising demand for such reflectors has prompted the production of more interesting and practical beauty mirrors. Whether on stands, mounted to walls or hand carried in bags, makeup and vanity mirrors are truly a necessity for women who aim to always look presentable and pleasing.
Good lighting
Users should know that a good lighting is the key to the success of every makeup application procedure. This is because, through proper and effective lighting, quantity and blending of makeup application is ensured. Can you imagine applying cosmetics in darkness or in shadow-causing light? You can do an experiment of it, but it will be nonsense to try because the result will surely be disastrous.
Light need not be installed in the mirror itself. Some people put lights on the sides and on the top of their makeup and vanity mirrors. Some simply make sure the room where the mirrors are located is well lit and receives a great amount of daylight during daytime. For stand mirrors and handheld types, it is important to find an area where there is a great and abundant supply of light. Light color also is important especially if you aim to keep the balance of makeup to your skin color.
Magnification of makeup and vanity mirrors
It can be scary at times, but magnification is significant and helpful when polishing good and fine detail applications. When tweezing, magnified images from makeup and vanity mirrors are also essential. When magnification is advised, note that you do not need a magnifying glass where you can already look up close the details of your smallest pores.
Good makeup and vanity mirrors are those that are producing eight times of magnification for stand mirrors. Some people assert that 5 times magnification is already sufficient in providing distortion-free images and total convenience. Mounted and travel style makeup and vanity mirrors are optimal and best when they have five times magnification.
Other good features
For stand mirrors, it will be best if you would find ones that have variable lighting condition for use all day or all night. Illumination should also be optimal and shadow-free. In contrast, halo illumination mirrors are recommended because they help make visible even the smallest facial details. Lastly, the arm should easily adjust for proper and good positioning.
Mounted makeup and vanity mirrors should also have variable lighting condition and halo illumination to make every detail visible. The mirror should be well and securely mounted in a concrete or secured wall. Falling mirrors can be a source of accidents.
As for travel style makeup and vanity mirrors, illumination must be adjustable for light conditions whether at evening or daylight. Women of course will like it best if their handy beauty mirrors are no more than two inches thick when folded.
Makeup Removers - Protects Your Skin
There are tons of makeup removers on the market today, ranging from the ultra expensive to the dirt cheap type. This is enough to make you go crazy. However most people would think that the most expensive makeup remover is the best, on the contrary even expensive makeup removers can cause problems. The thing here is not to select the most expensive makeup remover but a makeup remover that is effective, and removes makeup residue from your face completely as well as protects your skin.Have you woken up to dark raccoon rings under your eyes one too many times? You might not just be tired- your makeup remover might not be doing its job. Makeup is great for making you look and feel incredible when you go out, but when it overstays its welcome, it can wreak havoc on the next day's look. But proper use of makeup removers can help you kick out yesterday's makeup, so you can start every day fresh. These tips can help you find the right ones for you.
Makeup removers are in a tough spot. No one wants to have their makeup start sliding down their face halfway through the day, so we usually buy makeup that is known to be long-lasting and smear resistant- which means that they are difficult to remove. What you want from a makeup remover is the ability to fully remove your makeup, without irritating or drying out the delicate skin beneath.
Not all makeup removers are meant to remove your makeup from your entire face. When it comes to eye makeup, especially, there are a lot of options out there, in department stores, cosmetic stores and over the internet. This is because mascara, especially water-proof mascara, can be extremely tricky to remove. The skin around your eyes is very sensitive and delicate, so it's important that makeup removal doesn't require a lot of rubbing or a strong soap. If you have especially sensitive eyes, that tend toward oiliness, pick an eye-makeup remover that works double-time for you, both removing your makeup and soothing away puffiness and bags, with ingredients like cucumber extract. But if oiliness isn't a problem, believe it or not, you can just use Vaseline.For the rest of your face, there are lots of makeup removing pads and cleansers available that will do the trick. Again, you want to achieve a balance between getting rid of your makeup and keeping your skin's moisture intact. If you don't remove your makeup, it can lead to blemishes and irritation, but if you scrub too much or dry your skin out, you can force your oil-producing glands to jump into hyper-drive, causing your skin to get oily. If you're worried about dryness, chose one that has moisturizing functions as well as cleaning. But if your skin doesn't have special needs, you might be able to go with a basic solution for your makeup removal: baby shampoo. Its gentle formula cuts through oil without irritating your skin-and it even works on eye makeup!Many of these tips have focused at providing tips that are both inexpensive yet very effective. These tips will help you remove your makeup completely and prevent any skin problems that residual makeup causes. So the next time you apply makeup you are actually really starting from scratch. So every day is a fresh start in the way of a beautiful new day.
Pearl Bracelets - Highlight The Elegance of Womanhood
Where Pearls Come from
Pearls are formed in mollusks or oysters. In their natural habitat, mollusks produce pearls when irritants enter their shells. Nacre then gets deposited around this irritant and is covered by a harder material to form the pearl. Natural pearls are very rare and are definitely more expensive than cultured ones.
Cultured pearls are produced by introducing a stimulant into a mollusk to start the build up of the pearl. Generally, the shape and size of cultured pearls can be influenced by those who process them.
Pearls as Gifts
No woman would say no to pearl bracelets. They never fail to add charm and glamour to a woman with its natural brilliance. They can be contemporary or classy, but either one is eye-catching. They are also not very difficult to pair with different kinds of clothing.
Pearl bracelets can be strung from all sorts of shapes of pearls such as button, round, or coin. Even irregularly-shaped pearls can be used. Moreover, a wide variety of colors is available and ranges from white, silver, gold, and black, to green, lavender, peach, and pink. Some designs of them incorporate different colors, but even the plain ones have different undertones when placed under a light source.
Women of all ages will definitely be delighted to receive elegant pearl jewelry. This versatile piece of jewelry will highlight a woman's features and bring out her best assets.
When shopping for pearl bracelets it is best to know the their features of some of the most common types in the market:
- Freshwater Pearls - Cultured freshwater pearls come in different prices. Some may be a bit expensive, while others may be quite affordable. This is why they are among the most popular types of pearl jewelry. They may come in trendy or classic designs.
- Akoya Pearls - These come as a more classy form of pearl jewelry and are made from round, shiny pearls. The pearls have very few imperfections and high quality is of utmost importance. These bracelets are often worn during formal dinners and weddings. Given the high quality, this kind is also more expensive than the freshwater pearl ones.
- Tahitian Pearls - This kind of pearl jewelry is considered very rare and extremely expensive. It is designed with exotic and rare pearls.
Shopping for the right pearl bracelets really depend on one's fashion taste and budget. It is very important to take note of the girth of the wrist so you will get the perfect fit. The bracelets that are too small may be uncomfortable for the wearer. Finally, get the assistance of a pearl jewelry expert if you are unable to determine the appropriate type of pearls that you want.
Face Make-Up Tips For Women - Face Highlights and Concealers
Women want to look their best at all times. Skin tints, body and face highlights and concealers are the most popular sought after make-up gears. When applying make-up, the first step is cleansing the face. An exfoliation cream is used to wash off the over night oil residue. This is followed by moisturizing and toning.
The application of make-up begins after the skin is moisturized and toned. A foundation matching the skin tone is applied which is usually of lighter shade than the facial skin. The concealer covers skin blemishes and adds a little color to the other wise pale cheeks. Using loose translucent powder with a brush sets the make-up.
For mature women, this is more effective than compressed powder which accentuates lines and wrinkles. A non-frosted powder under the chin reduces sagging neck line. The shade used is slightly darker than the natural skin tone.
Cream blushes in golden almond and copper tone is gently blended from cheeks to temples to produce a soft transparent effect. Eyes are the most expressive part of the face and highlighting them with make-up is one of the simplest ways to look beautiful. For this purpose kohl pencil, eye liner and eye shadow are normally used.
Eye shadow is the most creative cosmetic. The eye make-up techniques and choice of eye shadow colors should match the color of eyes. Prior to the application of eye shadow, a neutral concealer matching the skin tone of the eyelid is applied and then the lightest eye shadow shade is applied over the entire area from lash line to brow line. This creates a smudge resistant base.
Frosted eye shadow creates a younger look but it has to be applied expertly. Usually for a better appearance which emphasizes and creates depth in eyes, the lightest shade is applied under the brow with the darker shade close to the lashes while the darkest shade is applied on the crease.
Blends of pink and grey eye shadows are normally used by mature women. A soft eye brow pencil, matching the hair color, accentuates the eyes but use of black eye brow pencil should be avoided. For glamorizing eyes for night outings, shimmer highlights are applied.
Eyes look wonderful when the eye lashes are accentuated by mascara. When using mascara, application should commence from the root of the eye lashes and then to be moved towards the tip for better results. For a softer and flattering look, brown mascara does the trick. Lips are another primary facial segment. Special attention is paid to lips while applying make-up. Initially the lips are smoothened before applying lip color.
Foundation is applied and the lips are defined by a lip liner. For thick lips, instead of lip liner a Qtip helps in the application of lip color while thinner lips look fuller with light shades. Soft matte colors in pink, berry, coral or peach make the lips appear luscious.
Make-up procedure changes with the season. During rainy season, light and sheer make-up with water proof mascara, transfer resistant lipstick and water proof foundation avoid the risk of make-up smudging. During winter season, women look more glamorous and polished by using shades such as coffee, chocolate and berry tones for cheeks and smoky shades for the eyes. Gloss and glimmer are used in plenty during the festive winter season.
In summer a dewy fresh face is possible by using the lightest touch of translucent powder and colors such as golden green for eyes with light shades of bronze on cheek bones and chin to provide a sun-tan effect.
Free Guides on Breast Enlargement Herbs
The key to increasing the size of your breasts is getting your estrogen receptors to react to hormones. These supplements act as hormones and will activate the natural estrogen in your body. Once your estrogen begins increasing, your breast size will soon follow. In addition to the supplements, there are creams you can rub directly on your breast which will cause the growth to take place even faster than before. If you then add certain exercises like the fly with weights and a light weight bench press, you will notice larger, firmer, more shapely breasts. These breast enlargement herbs have increased in popularity because they work. They are also a fraction of the price of getting breast implants and are much healthier for your body.
Don't shy away from shirts that show your cleavage off anymore. You can have the body of your dreams without surgical procedures and terrible scarring that takes months to heal. You can do it naturally with herbal supplements, massage with creams and exercise. You've waiting all your life to change your shape. Try it today and experience the results you've been looking for.
Tips to Choose Blue Diamonds - Sense of Beauty
Blue diamonds are very rare and natural beauty for over many centuries. They are found in countries like India, Brazil, Indonesia, and South Africa. In India, they are found in the Kollur deposits. The famous 112-carat great blue diamond is a classic example of these diamonds, which was cut into a 45.52 carat Hope Diamond. It is extracted from the Kollur deposits. The color of the diamond is due to the presence of a chemical element called boron. The shades of the blue diamond vary with the presence of tint of this blue color mineral. In such means, the shades of these costly stones naturally occurring are ice blue, sky blue, and ocean blue. These stones with slight tint of this blue color are ice blue diamonds. Sky blue diamonds are fairly brighter with little more tint than the ice blue diamonds. Ocean blue is the darkest of the three shades; it is deep blue with rich tint. An ice blue diamond begins with a white polished diamond and so considered very expensive. Comparatively, ocean blue diamonds begin as a brown diamond shaped and are not as expensive as the ice blue ones, but are reasonably medium priced.
Tips to choose a blue diamond:
While purchasing the blue diamonds,
Choose how important is the originality of the color of diamond to you. These stones with original blue color are rare and highly expensive. Many diamonds are artificially treated under various temperatures and pressure conditions, though these are allowed practices and does not degrade the value of these stones.
Determine whether to get stones loose or buy them as a part of jewelry.
Caring your budget is very important. Even a small variation of shade or tint of color may cost you a fortune. Color diamonds such as blue are very costly compared to colorless diamonds. So choose the expenses carefully and then think of spending the rest in carat, size and other values of diamonds.
The next thing to remember is to decide the place where to get them. Getting them from authorized dealers will cost more than getting from a discount seller who may not provide adequate documentation. While viewing and choosing the blue diamonds,
Choose one with "fancy" color that matches well with your taste and selection.
Choose the diamond by viewing it in various different light settings because dealers prefer atmosphere where their product is at its best. Get a mirror to your side and see it while choosing which jewelry matches your skin tone.
Compare these beautiful stones with different shapes. For example, the ones with round and square cut reflect more light than the ones with rectangular cut.
It is the brilliance of the color in that stone that determine its value. The more it is fancy, the more is its cost. These stones are the finest piece of diamonds that are very rare and stand as the eternal beauty. The diamonds purchased now will stand and grows in value over time.
Brazilian Swimwear
Fashion comes in almost everything like garments, swimwear, shoes, makeup, lingerie, accessories and many more. People are always concern on the attires that suits for an evening party dress; hairstyles that will make them look gorgeous and etc. These days women are finding the perfect swimsuit that will suit them. Fashion designers are chaotically inventing outstanding swimsuit to meet the society's high demand. It has evolved from just one piece of swimsuit to various kind of swimwear like sexy bikini's, metallic bikinis, full figure and the material used to produce all these bathing suit has come to the extent of using diamonds. They come in a variety of pattern and colors that are undeniable.
When it comes to swimming costume, the first thing that will pop in one's mind is the Brazilian swimsuits. Swimwear in Brazil means bikinis and it does not matter whether you are fat, skinny, kids or even infant, everyone wears bikinis in the beach and it makes them look fabulous. Brazilian swimwear has become the most hunted swimwear since long time ago. People are into Brazilian swimsuit because of the variety of styles that fit any sizes, colors, great quality of textures and shapes. Brazilian swimwear has its beauty and sexiness to speak for itself. They are just not a trend and they will be around for many years to come. They are sexy, sweet and pleasing.
If you are bored of bikinis and want to look sporty in your bathing suit, then you can try out the athletic look Tankinis bathing wear. They provide an attractive and sporty look. Tankinis are for woman who wants to cover their abdominal area. It gives you much coverage over the middle area and since it has separate bikini piece, it makes you easier to combine and match your swimsuit and also to go bathroom. In long term, tankinis can be unsatisfying. They will be an excellent choice for pregnant women as it gives more space than the one piece bikinis.
Swimsuits have become essential apparel for everyone in the hot season. Today's trends of swimsuits are sexy cuts. A swimsuit makes women look great and stunning about themselves. Impress your partner with your new sexy Brazilian outfits. Change the way you look today with a prefect Brazilian swimsuit that fits you.
Tips For Wearing Jewelry - Best Accent
Jewelry is an accessory that can make or break your look. Wearing jewelry correctly will result in a smart, dazzling result where all the focus is on you! Here are 5 simple tips:
1. Wear just one bold statement piece of jewelry and make sure your other pieces are understated and complimentary. For example, a big, flashy bracelet should be paired with a simple ring and small hoop or stud earrings. Don't overstimulate your "viewers" by attempting to bring attention to your ears, neck, wrist, and hands at one time. Choose a single focal point.
2. Be practical and consider your activity. Heavy, dangly earrings and ten bangle bracelets are probably not a good choice for a crazy dance party nor outdoor hiking. Reserve large pieces for events when you're not going to be extraordinarily active.
3. Necklace lengths can be the trickiest thing to determine when choosing jewelry to coordinate with your outfit. Chokers are fantastic with strapless dresses and tops. Open collar and boat-neck tops look great with a chunkier, shorter necklace. Turtlenecks and tunics are best with a longer pendant or a long string of beads.
4. Make sure your jewelry choices are appropriate for the situation. For example, a flashy choker is not okay for an office. And a set of conservative pearls is probably not the best choice for rock concert. Pair your jewelry to the occasion.
5. Wear size-proportionate jewelry. If you're petite, a large piece (or worse, several large pieces) would detract versus attract. If you want to wear a bold piece, try a large cocktail ring or bracelet instead of a necklace or earrings. If you're a plus-sized gal, turn it up and wear large, splashy pieces.
Free Tummy Tuck Recovery Tips
Follow the advice of your surgeon and his staff and your tummy tuck recovery pain and trouble free. The day after your tummy tuck surgery you will begin to feel you have more energy as the effects of the anesthesia begin to wear off. At this point you must remember that you have to take things easy, you have just had major surgery. You may feel some pain the scale of this pain varies from patient to patient if the pain is uncomfortable don't suffer in silence ask for some pain relief medication to ease the discomfort.
After 24 hours it is fine to shower and you will probably be encouraged to do so. You should remove your dressing and replace it with a clean dressing. One important note though you will probably have steri-strips covering your wound / stitches it's important that you don't interfere with these. Over the next week or so these steri - strips will start to peel of their own accord. If needs be you can trim the peeled edges with a small pair of scissors but you should not pull them if they are still attached.
If you had the type of surgery that required drains to be fitted you should hang the drains securely while you are taking a shower. These drains are usually kept in place for around 7-21 days and should only be removed under medical supervision. They may be removed by surgeon together or he may decide to leave one in a bit longer than the other. This will depend on the amount of fluid that is being passed. The removal process is quite a simple process and is normally pain free with patient feeling a slight tingling sensation when the tubes are removed.
The drains are small clear tubes that are normally inserted either side of the stomach area and are connected to small bulb shaped drainage reservoirs. Your surgeon or his staff will show you how to empty the drains and measure the output from each drain. This should be done 2-3 times daily although the drains may feel a bit uncomfortable they are actually quite important. There job is to drain any excess fluid that builds behind abdominal incisions you had during surgery.
Your doctor or surgeon will place weight restrictions on you for the first couple of weeks after your surgery and may limit you to lifting no more than 3lbs in weight. Again it is very important to follow these instructions it is not worth risking bursting your sutures just to lift something yourself.
On a final note it is very important that when you bathe you make sure that everything is clean and sterile don't use any old towels or sponges buy new ones that you know are clean. This way you will minimize any risks of getting an infection. Following these simple steps and your surgeon's advice will go a long way to ensuring your tummy tuck recovery is as quick and pain free as possible.
Free Breast Reconstruction Surgery Tips
Breast reconstruction surgery is performed in order to restore a breast to normal appearance, shape and size. The medications are used for the comfort during the breast reconstruction surgery. General anesthesia is used for the surgery.
For repositioning a woman's own muscle, skin and fat in order to create or cover the breast mound, Flap techniques are used. In some cases, insufficient tissues are left on the chest wall for covering & supporting a breast implant after a Radiation therapy. Either a tissue expansion or a flap method is required to place a breast implant for reconstruction.
A flap procedure is done by involving the donor muscle, skin and fat from the abdomen in order to reconstruct a breast. It is possible that the flap remains attached to the blood supply and can be tunneled up via chest wall. Flap may also detach and it can take the form of a breast mound.
The surgeon may use the procedures of flap that do not use muscle. Instead it transports tissue from the abdomen to the chest.
Tissue expansion stretches the skin in order to provide coverage to a breast implant. Reconstruction of breast by using tissue expansion actually allows easy recovery than the flap methods, but it is a very lengthy process.
It requires several visits for the next six months post the expander placement for filling the device slowly through an internal valve for expanding the skin.
A second surgery is required to replace the expander if it is not designed to work permanently.
A breast implant surgery creates a breast mound. In fact, it can be an alternative or an alternative to the flap techniques. Silicon and saline implants are used for breast reconstruction surgery. Breast reconstruction surgery with an implant usually requires tissue expansion. The surgeon helps the patient choose an implant.
In order to crate a nipple and areola, Skin grafting is used. Breast reconstruction surgery is completed through a variety of procedures.
The results of breast reconstruction surgery are variable. After the breast reconstruction surgery, a breast does not have the same feel & sensation. After the surgery, visible incision lines remain on the breast. Also, incision lines are left on the donor site by some methods on the areas like the abdomen, back or buttocks.
Tips to Avoid The Bra Problem After Plastic Surgery
If ever there has been a controversial subject, it has been breast enhancement. The issues have ranged from whether you should have it or not to whether silicone implants were killing women or not - the ban was recently lifted. Despite all the uproar, the statistics show clearly that we women are getting our breasts enlarged, reduce, reshaped, lifted and, well, modified in just about any way one can imagine.
Of all the breast plastic surgery issues discussed and debated, a very practical one is always glossed over. Well, no more! Let's take a look at the question of dealing with your bras after plastic surgery.
You've had your breasts modified. It wasn't cheap, but you decided it was worth it. Now you need a bra. Walk to your drawer and take a long look at all those bras you bought and wore over the last year or so. Also grab any lingerie tops. Now walk over to the trash can, flip open the top and dump them in. These bras and tops are useless because they no longer fit. If they still fit, you might want to have a word with your surgeon!
So, should you rush out to buy new bras? Well, you should listen to the advice of your surgeon. Generally, you are going to want a few full support bras, but you do not want to buy an entire new collection. Why? Your breasts will go through a settling in period. Breast modification is not an exact science. Things will move this way and that. Until that settling period ends, you have no idea what bra will really fit you.
Once things settle down, you are going to have the urge to spend money on really sexy bras. Stop! Your must first make sure you get an excellent fit. If you've enhanced your breasts, you now have a lot more frontal weight your body is not used to. Supporting those new puppies is going to be vital or you are going to end up hunched over like an old lady all day. I suggest you get a professional bra fitting and then also start off with bras that provide the maximum support.
This approach will give your body the best chance to quickly and comfortably assimilate the new, larger you. Once that has happened, then you can start wearing more sexy brands.