When thinking about the carat measurement, you will find that a carat is considered to be precisely 200 mg, which in terms of English measurements breaks down to .007,055 of an ounce. A carat might also be known as a metric carat, and it can be divided up into 100 points that are two milligrams apiece.
The measure of a carat is one that has a long and interesting history, just like the diamond itself. Going back more than 500 years, you could easily see that people were fascinated by the Shah Diamond, which was found in central India. It adorned the thrones of generations of rulers before it was sent to Russia as a reparation for the slaying of a Russian ambassador. The Shah Diamond is an 88.7 carat yellow diamond of exceptional clarity.
The carat measurement itself gets its name from a French word that was originally Greek. The Greek word in question was keration, or “fruit of the carob,” and this relates the history of the measurement of diamonds to carob seed. It was once believed that carob seeds were known for their identical and uniform weight, though this was later disproved.
Of course when you think about diamonds, you will find that you are a place where you can think about how they can relate to you! Diamonds are a beautiful addition to any jewelry collection, and you will find that they might be more varied than you think. For instance, you might be interested in the cold and brilliant light that you can get from a white diamond, but don't forget that diamonds can come in many shades, from pink to brown to green to a steel blue. You will also find that when you are looking into diamonds as jewelry that there are many terrific cuts that can get, including round, oval, marquise, pear and even a delicate heart shape. The right cut can really bring out the diamond so a good choice when you are selecting stones.
When you are looking to incorporate diamonds into your look, remember that you should think about what kind of effect you can get. For instance, are you interested in the sparkle of a single diamond on your hand or around your neck, or are you more interested in a glittering display? Choosing the right kind of diamond jewelry can help you get the simple or glamorous look that you are interested.
When you are looking to purchase a diamond, you will find that it is important to think about what you know when it comes to both the diamond's history and to the weight that it carries. Make sure that you take a look at your diamond and appreciate it for its worth as well as its weight!
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