
Free Vitamins Usage Tips - Health Benefit

It has been conclusively proved that women who take a recommended doze of fifteen vitamin and mineral supplements during the last six months of pregnancy pass on health benefits to their newborns. What better gift can a mother give to her newborn! Vitamins play such an important part in our lives even before we are born! They support us throughout our lives, helping to make strong bones and muscles, build up stamina and protect us from diseases. But it is not always possible to get the full benefits of vitamins through the foods we consume! Often water soluble vitamins are destroyed or sublimated in the cooking process, or drowned by condiments or remain unabsorbed by the body for some reason.

Quite often pesticides destroy them. So how do we ensure that we get our full supply of vitamins, salts and trace minerals daily? Doctors and health advisors recommend a daily vitamin supplement; in any form to ensure that the body gets its necessary supply of vitamins. The vitamin supplements are recommended for all age groups and especially for those who are involved in physically demanding vocations or those with sedentary jobs in closed spaces that deprive them of natural light and exercise. Although there has been considerable research on vitamins, new benefits continue to be discovered. Many factors reduce the resistance of our body; the vitamins stand guard to protect us from health hazard, therefore the new wisdom dictates ’A vitamin supplement a day keeps the doctor away’!

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