
Free Tips on Body Fat Transfer - Reabsorb about 60 Percent of the Fat Cells

Eventually, age catches up with all of us, especially in the face - the hollow cheeks, smile or frown lines and crow's feet are all readily apparent to people who see us. Rather than resign yourself to the inevitable, there may be a way to improve an aging face without the need for invasive surgery.
Fat Is Good
The answer is in something most of us have plenty of: fat cells. Body fat transfer takes your own fat cells from places where they're plentiful (thighs, abdomen), and uses them to plump up areas that need them, such as cheeks, chin and even hands. Autologous fat transplantation - or body fat transfer - is done on an outpatient basis. Both the donor site (where the fat comes from) and the treatment site (where it's going) receive local anesthetic and the patient is usually sedated. The fat is taken out with a needle and syringe and "purified" to remove excess fluid, then re-injected at the treatment site. If you have recently had liposuction, breast reduction or a similar procedure, the fat extracted at that time can be frozen for later injection.

Body fat transfer has the advantage over collagen injections in that there is no possibility of a person developing an allergy to his own fat cells. It is also less expensive than most cosmetic procedures, such as the insertion of implants. They are not suitable for large areas, however, and will lend a full, rounded, but not a muscular appearance. Recovery from body fat transfer is quick, as there has been no traumatic invasion of the body. Bruising will fade within a couple of days, and swelling and redness should disappear in a few weeks. Activity may be limited for a while.
Disadvantages of Body Fat Transfer
Sites where there is little motion, such as the cheeks, stay firm longer than sites where the muscles move a great deal, such as the lips. Fat can also be transferred to the buttocks, arms, calves or other areas. Some experts believe that if it is used as breast augmentation material, it may interfere with mammogram results, while other surgeons routinely use it for this purpose.
There is a drawback, however. The body will reabsorb about 60 percent of the cells almost immediately. While the surgeon will purposely overfill to counteract this, the absorption may continue up to 99 percent. More injections are necessary for lasting results. If, after a series of injections, the recipient site reaches the point of saturation, then results can last a lifetime, but this may or may not happen. Three years is average. New techniques aimed at lengthening the results of body fat transfer are being used very day, and soon a permanent method may be found.

Sherri Bankley

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